Saturday, November 8, 2014

More math shenanigans

Okay, someone solve this for me.


Kimberwarrior45 said...

No one dies, "D" ducks when he see the rock coming toward him. The rock is to light (with that big hole in it) to move the seesaw and is moving to fast for the small wedge to stop it so it rolls over the wedge and stays with the other rock. "C" may die from starvation since there is not enough room to get out from under the seesaw. I would be worried for the continued survival of person who put "C" and "D" in this situation (most likely "E")

Grog said...

"E" pushes the boulder, the edge of the hole in the boulder hooks on the right side edge of the hole "D" is in, squashing him and breaking off the wall on the left side, which breaks the board "C" is under and which falls on him, causing the boulder with the hole to roll into the other boulder, the kinetic energy of both boulders causes the short wall to fall over, squashing "B". A&E go to subway for lunch, but they get mugged because they're in NYC.

lineman said...

Everyone of them does...No one lives forever;)

Anonymous said...

All the stick people die when I leave the page to go see what Wirecutter has on his site, no?


Anonymous said...

E dies of a hernia, pushing that big rock. B & D die laughing their asses off because of what happened to E.
C shit his pants, thinking he was going to die. And A missed the whole thing, reading the hieroglyphics.

Anonymous said...

Ask a stupid question Angel, get a bunch of stupid answers! But I laughed my ass off reading them all!

DLW said...

B,C & D die.

JeremyR said...

They all die because Oblowme care has caused doctors to leave the field, or the country.
Alternative two is worse, instead of having enough illegals to pick the veggies in Mexifornia, we have too many who eat them all instead.