Thursday, December 10, 2015

Wirecutter's in trouble now

I just spent a delightful afternoon on the phone with Miss Lisa. Talking about ALL sorts of things. Family, music, growing up, mishaps with sex toys, and yes, her honey, her boo, wirecutter. Especially wc's dancing skills. Sounds like I'm not the only balderer in the Patriot family. We talked dogs and kids and art and life. I'm not sure there was anything we didn't talk about.

Now, Miss Lisa and I have emailed and FB chatted, but this is the first phone call. I have found a soul sister, and I couldn't be more delighted. This may well be the worst day in Wirecutter's storied life. Angel and Miss Lisa, together. I am sooooo looking forward to their visit on the way East next year.

Hugs, Miss Lisa! Love you!


JeremyR said...

WC may well radicalize and convert to Amish over this.

tsquared said...

"mishaps with sex toys"

Please elaborate.

Anonymous said...

@tont tsquared...

exactly.....what kind of mishaps with sex toys.....i just got a tingle in my dingle

bison guy

rickn8or said...

Yes. Please elaborate.

(Strictly for research purposes you understand.)

Anonymous said...

Wise Angel One, you and Ms Lisa be soul sisters, obviously, and no topic is off limits to you two, BUT some things you should NOT mention to this audience...will now take days to cool em off......

vaquero viejo

wirecutter said...

I'm fucked now.

hiswiserangel said...

Yes you are.