Tuesday, July 5, 2016


On watching FBI Director Comey's complete pass on Hillary Clinton's server follies. Yes, she was careless. Yes, she was stupid. Yes, our hostile enemies likely got our secrets. Yes, she might have gotten people killed (aside from those four in Benghazi who definitely died). Yes, she endangered our country. But she didn't MEAN to. It wasn't MALICIOUS INTENT. It was an OOPSIE. And no REASONABLE PROSECUTOR would bring charges against someone for doing something without thinking about the consequences of her actions. She's suffered enough, or some other such bullshit.

So since the rule of law now hinges fully on malicious intent, and ignorance of the law, carelessness, and stupidity will get you a pass, there are some things I need to look in to. I'm feeling kind of stupid.


oldawg said...

To bad you're young enough to be my daughter.Your mind works so well.

Anonymous said...

Any 18 year old E1 in basic training understands the rules.....

And would be prosecuted for violating them.

The republic is over. No more equal protection under the law.

We owe them nothing....


show me one socialist success in world history said...

Burn it down.

Pops said...

This explains everything:


Jeff C. in NC said...

Yep, nobody is responsible for their actions now. hmm that gives me a few ideas.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess I know what my next response to the tax auditor is going to be.


John the River said...

What a campaign slogan, "I'm with Stupid!"