Sunday, June 9, 2013

Quote of the Century

When the Chilean President plopped his ass down in Obama's chair in the Oval Office, it took everyone aback. I mean, wow, how disrespectful for a foreign leader to sit himself in the Presidential tushy holder. It's not like he's Jay-Z or George Clooney, or someone important. But the best, I mean the ABSOLUTE BEST comment ever came from Obama himself when asked how many other world leaders have sat at his desk. His response?

"He's the only one."

Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha! Even Obama admits he's not a World Leader.

Clint Eastwood was right; just an empty chair.


Irish said...

Smahtest man evah!

RabidAlien said...

Wow. The irony in that is thick enough to be seen from space!

Anonymous said...

I for one welcome out new Chilean overlords :) Pinochet HATED communists!

Seriously, Obama never misses a chance to slight every tradition we stand for. Not surprising.