Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tornado Tips

And other Odds and Ends of Common Sense

If you really need someone to tell you that getting into a car, during a tornado that is ripping homes off their foundations is a bad idea, I dunno what to say. 

Actually I take that back. I do. 
A simple compiled list.
1) If you are not underground during a tornado, you are doing it wrong.
2) Snowstorms are cold. Wear warm clothing.
3) Tsunami's are big waves. If you are on the beach, you may be screwed.
4) Hurricanes have strong winds that knock stuff down, flood areas, and generally wreak havoc. Don't go outside.
5) If your town is flooded. You shouldn't be there.
6) The desert is hot. Alcohol is not water. 
7) Ice breaks, don't walk on it.
8) Erupting volcano's spew Molten rock and ash. Run away. Fast.
9) Earthquakes can knock heavy things over and collapse buildings, Stand in a doorway, and..... Good luck.
10) Stop driving across flooded rivers. Seriously. There's always one of you in every bunch. Don't be that person.
11) Sinkholes are unpredictable. Good luck.
12) Finally.... if you lost everything, that sucks. Horribly. But if you are alive to complain about it, that's a win. Take it and smile. It could have been worse.

Sent in this morning by Kevin, who emailed back to let me know he lifted it from a Youtube comment by ROX, whoever that is, but never let it be said I plagerize.


Anonymous said...

I have been known to sit in a lawn chair on the lee side of the house having a cigar and drinking beer during a hurricane. All over when the wind shifts and all the doors are on the windward side.

Angel eyes said...

Good stuff.

Some of us had to find out the hard way, and lived.

By the way,
did you know that 4X4 can help you get stuck even deeper!

hiswiserangel said...

Well it's a good thing that men don't come equipped with 4x4, huh?

Angel eyes said...

It's now officially on for the weekend. You have crossed the line.

Remember Elaine in Seinfeld?
"Men are blocky, like Jeeps, just for getting around."


hiswiserangel said...

Officially on for the weekend?! One post down you were asking if pigs spit or swallow, you needed to know for the weekend. Should I be insulted?

Angel eyes said...

The "pig" had and has nothing to do with you!
The men comment...well I don't know what you were trying to say to us.
But rest assured that I took it wrong.

All in jest you must know by now.

hiswiserangel said...


"4X4 can help you get stuck even deeper!"

Oh God! Baby! Deeper!

Angel eyes said... win for the moment.

How did Hints From Heloise go here?

Not complaining, mind you.

hiswiserangel said...

"The men comment...well I don't know what you were trying to say to us."

Just thinking how much deeper y'all could get if you had 4x4...

Angel eyes said...

You grow your toenails for better gription on the mattress. Easy peasy.

I'm leaving before I earn a Wirecutter full caps Fuck you.


RabidAlien said...

ROTFLMBO!!! I think I look forward to reading comments here almost as much as I enjoy the posts! LOL

hiswiserangel said...

Oh please, I'm too cute. I can't pull off the wirecutter growl'n'scowl. No Fuck you tonight.

hiswiserangel said...

Awwwww, Rabid, you wuv me!

Anonymous said...

I long ago resolved to never buy or build a house where the boy scout manual would not advise you to put up a tent.

golden geese news said...

Regarding tip #7. In Wisconsin, we drive our cars on it.

wirecutter said...

Earthquakes rock, man.