Sunday, October 6, 2013

From bitchy to evil

Obama has proven himself a small, petty, petulant, miserable fuckstain of a human being. But this is inexcusable evil. This, should the D's and R's not decry it loudly, will mark the end of a lot of politicians' careers.


Old Richard said...

That POS would need a 18 foot step-ladder to get under whale shit

RabidAlien said...

Why should he care? He and his have lifetime Secret Service protection (as long as the kids live under his roof, at any rate). Screw him. Sideways. With a rusty garden rake. Twice.

Anonymous said...

We live in a country where cops machinegun an unarmed mother for making a wrong turn, while a few days later two other cops walk into a kindergarden class and tazer the children for fun.(MORE THAN 12 of them) The "people" who are running this freak show of a government are EVIL. ALL OF THEM not just the rat turd floating on top---Ray

Ken aka fht451 said...

That fucker is lower than a snakes asshole!!!( pardon my French)

Chris Mallory said...

If you follow the Constitution, Amber alerts are a state or local responsibility. The Federal government should not be having any thing to do with them.

WiscoDave said...

I agree. However that does not minimize the pettiness of this act.

Anonymous said...

"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." Luke 17:2

Mark P said...

I agree he is a petty, vindictve little POS, but the Amber Alert site is up and running - at least it is on 10/7/13 @ 1201 PDT.

hiswiserangel said...

It was reported back on at 6 am EST this morning. After the shock and outrage went viral overnight. Proof that this idiot can be corrected with proper pressure.

Unknown said...

Possibly not related, but has anyone else noticed the attention given to the guy that self-immolated in front of the capitol building?