Sunday, October 6, 2013

Please don't handfeed the critters


Anonymous said...

Barack Obamas, Joe Bidens, Diane Feinsteins, Nancy Pelosis, John McCains, Barbara Boxers, Lindsey Grahams, George Soroses, Valerie Jarrets, Peter Kings, John Boehners, Eric Cantors, and Hillary Clintons excepted.

RabidAlien said...

No gator would snap at them. Professional courtesy, ya know...

Anonymous said...

Gators care more for their young than Harry Reid cares for children (if you have seen the recent video of him discussing Obamacare).

Anonymous said...

How you girls like my new handbag ?

JeremyR said...

He's just coming over to lend a hand.

Volfram said...

For those wondering, IIRC, the hand was successfully recovered and reattached.

Imagine THAT happening under Obamacare.