Tuesday, October 29, 2013

They can try, but it won't end pretty

The fucking baby blue flag of the UN flying over the Alamo?! Are you fucking kidding me? Not in this lifetime or any other. The socialist, La Raza-raised puke of a mayor, Julian Castro, may have just put his head in the noose.



Heroditus Huxley said...

Apparently, nobody remembers what happened the last time a foreign power tried to take it.

hiswiserangel said...

Well, actually, we Texans lost that one. But we vowed never again.

Heroditus Huxley said...

Yeah, but...they had to kill every last person in the place to win. The UN can't rule a grave yard--the dead don't care.

Unknown said...

In Texas blue flags bear a single star!


Angel eyes said...

It would be a mosque within a year if they could have their way.

That Guy said...

Pretty sure there would be a LOT of people there to help take it down.

Boilerdoc said...

Hell, even a yankee like myself knows there is no quicker way to get an Texas sized ass whoompn' than messing with the Alamo!

RabidAlien said...

The significance of the Alamo was that it allowed Sam Houston to gather the army that kicked Santa Ana out of Texas. That should be commentary enough for the UN: come here, and to take this site, you'll have to do it over a pile of corpses, while those of us not actually at the Alamo will be gathering to kick your arses back into the stone age.