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The U.N. is hiring a “Disarmament, Demobilization, and Re-integration (DDR) officer” for the apparent purpose of disarming American citizens as the “duty station” is New York City, USA.
The U.N. defines “disarmament” as “the collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons from combatants and often from the civilian population.”
Okie dokie, then. Want to see more?
These positions are located in field missions of Peace Operations. The DDR Officer typically reports to the head of a work unit or to a senior official responsible for DDR operations in a field location, though this may vary depending on the mission structure. The focus of these jobs is to lead the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of DDR programmes,operations and other related activities in the country or region concerned.
Well, now, isn't that interesting? Anybody got any ideas about target practice?
Damn right I've got an idea about target practice! Blue helmets! Or, blue berets! If they think they are going to disarm the U.S. they better bring a sh*tload of body bags, and sign their living wills beforehand!
Death before disarmament.
Aw, c'mon! Anyone who thinks the UN is coming to take our guns is obviously some paranoid loon who probably denies global warming and thinks that the IRS really didn't lose those emails! /sarc
They aren't hiring anyone to disarm Americans. That would take real work and NO ONE gets a job at the UN to do any real work. These yahoos will be writing policy that no one will read and that will have no effect on anyone and that they will have no ability to enforce. And they will get paid really well to do it.
America IS a sovereign nation. The only thing we have to fear is our own government trying to do this.
a pity. blue makes an excellent aiming point amongst red clay and dark green vegetation.
I am a citizen of the United States, and as such am not subject to some UN plan for any thing at all. If they choose to disagree, they can just bring it on.
What makes this interesting to me is the fact that so many Americans seem to think this is too impossible a thing to happen. The events in recent times are rather startling. Perhaps those who think notions such as martial law, population relocations (Agenda 21/Wildlands Project), government takeovers of transit, utilities, public and PRIVATE property, homes, land, roads and businesses (I think many have forgotten the "If you own a business you didn't build it, someone else did" remark our "leader” made not that long ago), elimination of the 2nd Amendment and the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act and the indefinite postponement (GASP) of presidential elections in case of a national emergency (I don't wonder IF but WHICH ONES of the things happening right now that we do or do not yet know about that will trigger this by November 2016 - or sooner), well show those people the actual document. Executive Order 13603 – The National Defense Preparedness Act. As of 2012 it is now law:
The U.N. typically posts openings for the location where that position will be executed. This same position, in other countries has, been reportedly been used for disarming the public. Here a little 74 page PDF U.N. document entitled “RESTORING LAW & ORDER AND CRIME PREVENTION: THE IMPORTANCE OF UN MILITARY-POLICE COORDINATION IN INTEGRATED UN PEACEKEEPING MISSIONS"
And since the government is “giving” tanks (Mine Resistant, Ambush Protected [MRAP] vehicles) to the local police, they will have the means, personnel and hardware to potentially carry all out all of this. Besides, with a $750,000.00 value of these tanks alone, how can local police use these things for everyday functions? Their cost alone exceeds many of the local city municipal operating budgets for law enforcement, including fleet and personnel. (Do they come with spare parts?).
OK Article 4 section 4 of the Constitution, states that we will have a Republican form of goverment. Martial law is not that.
While some of this is indeed being implimented (agenda 21 is really popular) mostly it is in states with leftard state governments.
Mraps are intimidating an all that, but they are also heavy, require some serious maintainence, and at some point, the crews have to get out. Look around, they have weak points.
Last, resist any and all attempts to dis arm US citizens.Fuck the UN. This whole litany of "events" might be the left wing dream plan, but they have not won yet. Same holds true of the "new weird odor"plan.
I understand that we are coming up on 100 MILLION NICS checks since the great and mighty O was inaugurated. Near as I can tell, we dwarf all the armies out there.
Finally ,remember this. Your rights are not up for a vote. No matter how much "they" might want to, they cannot vote our rights away. If they decree that they have, they are no longer the legitimate government.
I figure the UN would not get many volunteers to try to disarm Americans. The would-be recruits would quickly figure out they'd be going on a suicide mission.
And yes, if they do attempt that, I do hope they wear their blue helmets as they would indeed make a good aiming point!
...Just one additional thought. Please know that I too would, like to think that finding Americans to enforce the stripping of rights and liberties from other Americans, to be unthinkable scenario.
Then I look at this video:
Never mind if the entire content is agreeable or not. Just look at apx. 3:50 minutes into the video. Rural America. Now militarized. What I see of interest is where the police officer speaks from inside this 'tank'. Is it my imagination or is this a transformation in his character (at least potentially) from "law enforcement officer" to "Master Chief from the 'Halo' games"?! If it is, then that is a potential game-changer to my first paragraph in this comment.
Perceived POWER can be much more influential than the most addictive of drugs. That, of course, transforms and destroys behaviors and loyalties to family and society. Think about it. All of a sudden there are 2,700 of these vehicles within our borders (almost enough to make a person forget that they have already purchased 1.3 BILLION rounds of [hollow point] ammo). If there is a logical reason, then OK. I have worked for companies headquartered in Central Indiana where the tank in this video is stationed and I have traveled there many times.
Lots of corn. NO landmines. No need for tanks. Show me ONE PERSON who truly, deep down inside, actually BELIEVES the rationale given by the officer in this video for having a war wagon.
Nobody wants any of this to be true. Then again, that is NOT an excuse for us NOT to be alert, probative and VIGILANT...
...but as a whole of ALL the citizens, ARE WE?!
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