Monday, May 25, 2015

Tired but happy

2 spiral hams, one huge brisket, 20 pounds mashed potatoes, 10 gallons of gravy, homemade Parker House rolls (thanks Mrs. Grimes), gallons of green beans, corn, every imaginable salad, and pies. Dear God, the pies. So many pies.

We put on luncheons for our VFW members twice a month, cover the family meals when one of them passes, and pull out all the stops for them and their families on holidays. It's a festive time, and one in which the community pulls together.

What was missing? Sadly, our last WWII Veteran who passed last winter. Two Korean Veterans, one who passed away in January and one who is battling Parkinson's and wasn't able to attend. And one of our Vietnam Vets who succumbed to cancer last month. We paid tribute to them, they are loved and will be missed.

Sadly, we also had many, many new faces. Young faces fresh back from Iraq and Afghanistan; the next generation of Veterans of Foreign Wars. Yes, there was Desert Shield/Desert Storm between Korea and Afghanistan, and yes we have a few veterans from Desert Storm. However, not since Vietnam has there been the numbers of young men and women returning from a foreign battlefield, with wounds and scars, some visible, many invisible. Soldiers who aren't quite sure how or where to fit back into civilian life, who are carrying nightmares the majority of us will thankfully never know. And to see the Vietnam Veterans taking these young people into the fold, welcoming them as brothers and sisters in arms, instills a sense of pride and peace.

But as one of the guys so sagely said, "Man, let there come a day when there are no more new faces."

Last one out, turn out the lights.


Jesse in DC said...

Good on you for doing that. And good for remembering on the 364 "other" days. We must never forget what burden these folks shouldered in our name. God bless them all.

TinCan Assassin said...

Now why didn't I think of going to the VFW? Would have gotten me out of the house.

To the Fallen!

drjim said...

Thank you, Angel.

snakecharmer said...

That last full measure of devotion, good for you, Angel

hiswiserangel said...

TinCan, you're always welcome at our little VFW Post. The guys have an open door policy.

Smoker78 said...

God bless you. That is wonderful what you do. Keep it up. We are also seeing less of our comrades in arms at my local American legion but the wife and I still try to buy a few drinks for the old timers and cook for the potlucks.

Angel eyes said...

Bless you, girlfriend. I dusted off my father's burial flag and 1911 this weekend.