Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cruel fate


Phil said...

When I was in my 20's, had long hair and a full beard, people used to stop me in the street and tell me I looked just like Pete Townsend.

Now I keep hearing that I look like my Grandfather......

Able said...

I call bull***t on that one.

Nobody (else) is 'that' unlucky.

Stretch said...

I had a woman come up to me in Springfield Mall, slap me, and rant on about the night before. After a few moments she slowed down and said "Oh my God! You're not George!" She burst into tears and ran away.
A Fairfax Co. PD officer observed all of this and asked "I'll arrest her on assault if you want." "Nah, never want to see her again. Not even in court."

At least twice in the following few years I had people call me "George." Never did find out who he was.

Anonymous said...

so, if the "6 degrees of separation" is true the DNA has pretty good odds of mixing the same way 7 times...

vaquero viejo

Anonymous said...

I saw my double once. I mean, this guy looked exactly like me, walked like me, the whole thing. I was 17, working at a hamburger place in Houston. I called over my coworkers and they all agreed it was me.
It's really weird seeing that.

Charlie Mitchell