Friday, December 14, 2012

Excellent Point

From Kerodin at III Percent Patriots

"Buy now. "...regardless of the politics..." the man said. He intends to do something and he'll get the help of Congress, or he'll drop the optics."


crankyjohn said...

I am going to have to save up my empty beer cans to get one of those 1911's.

hiswiserangel said...

I've considered selling one of hubby's kidneys for one. I hear there's a market in the illegal alien community.

idahobob said...

He doesn't need congress.....He is in love with his power with EO's.

If congress doesn't do what he wants, he will just issue a EO.

Just watch.


crankyjohn said...

Selling spouse body parts for cash? Hmmmmmmm.

hiswiserangel said...

Oh Dear God, I'm going to be an accessory, and not a cute fashionble one like shoes or a cuff bracelet...

crankyjohn said...

She would not be a good candidate for organ donation I am afraid. She has a mutant strain of PMS that would disqualify her unless the donee was a wolverine.

hiswiserangel said...

Or a honey badger. Don't forget the honey badger...

crankyjohn said...

He don't give a shit.

Anonymous said...

Not only that, DHS believes it is above congressional authority. The ATF is part of the DHS. The speculation I have read is that the ATF will reclassify all semi-automatic rifles and handguns as Title 2 weapons. Of course I do not put anything past the government anymore and what they have planned could very will be worse.

Robert Fowler said...

Late this evening, I heard that Eric Holder, the paragon of virtue didn't call for gun control. Instead, he said "we need to look at our freedoms". I'm going to try to track down the actual news story. This is the asshat in charge of our (no) justice department.

angrymike said...

Or registration of all semiauto's. Damn shame mine got lost in a boating accident.
Oh and remember Oswald fired 5 shots in 3 seconds from a junk Italian bolt action........//