Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Awwww, do I have to?

I realize the time I spend now working, sweating, gasping for air like a trout on a river bank will be worth it. 
I realize that I must atone for all of the Little Debbie mini chocolate donuts and double bacon, double cheeseburgers. 
I realize that in order to become a kick-ass WarriorAngel, I'm going to have to get off my happy ass and work for it. 
I realize I am sooooooo screwed.......

If I'm not back in an hour and a half,
will somebody please call 9*1*1?! Thank you.

1 comment:

rpm2day said...

One of the toughest ShoShu brownbelts I knew looked like a bowling ball with legs.
But yes, you do have to work for it.