Thursday, January 24, 2013

Keep Pressuring Your Congresscritters

Sen. Joe Manchin "The Third"

Yeah, the Left is going to push hard and fast on gun control, because, you know, never let a crisis go to waste, blah blah blah. Obama isn't running for re-election (not going to rule out a grab for power), so he can piss off as many Americans as he wants to push his reformist agenda. Your Senators and Congresscritters, however, are not term-limited (although they should be) and more easily swayed by the voters. Make sure they know exactly where you stand on the current Gun Grab bills, and that any vote for the diminishment of our 2nd Amendment rights will result in the end of their political careers.

Great story in, gasp, The New York Times. West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin "the Third" (I refuse to type III behind his name) got together with some constituents that informed him where his future stood if he voted for the Gun Grab.

Others at the lunch said that laws did little to help even the most violent societies. “Mexico, for instance, has got some of the strictest gun control laws in North America,” said Rick Johnson, the owner of a river expedition company. “They’ll put you in jail for a bullet in Mexico. And look how well it’s worked.”
“I can take my A.R.,” Mr. Johnson said, referring to his assault rifle, “load it, put one in the chamber and throw it up on this table, and the only way it’s going to hurt anybody is if I miss and hit someone in the head. The gun doesn’t hurt anybody. It’s the person pulling the trigger.”

It's a good read.


Anonymous said...

Good post Angel. Looks like Manchin is starting to see the light.
Razor in the Benewah

hiswiserangel said...

Thanks Razor, nice to see you're alive and well.

Anonymous said...

Been ice fishing on Lake CDA. Got 2 nice Pike. Got a nice new flask to break in as well too. :)

Razor in the Benewah

hiswiserangel said...

Flask? I'd need a cask. So what liquor goes with pike?

Anonymous said...

For me, Black berry brandy. For my neighbor, Jack.

Razor in the Benewah

Steve said...

Read the comments after the article. Remember, it's a NY Times article, so have your blood pressure meds ready!

hiswiserangel said...

Steve, my doctor made me promise to never read comments in the New York Times or HuffPo. I know my limits.

crankyjohn said...

Oh brother, he is a DEMOCRAT!!!!!! He will in the end pull up his skirt and drop his panties for Obama. Just wait and see.