Sunday, June 2, 2013

Libs say the craziest things...

Saw this over at AoSHQ this morning, and since they stole the idea from someone, I'm committing 2nd degree larceny and stealing it for us.

With the exception of Democrat elected officials and their lackeys, what are the craziest things you've heard an everyday "normal" Democrat say?

I'll start with my SIL. When explaining to me why I was no longer allowed to play Wii bowling with my nephews, I was informed that my not allowing them to win was damaging to their growth and self-esteem and that they were being taught at school and home that there are no winners or losers in life. Everybody is an equal "participant". Or at least that's what I thought she said; the howling of my 10-year-old nephew was creating interference.

Okay, y'all, have at it...


Wraith said...

"Sarah Palin's such an idiot!"

They continue saying this in every possible variation, yet they cannot provide evidence of one stupid thing she's ever done--aside from trusting the GOP, of course.

I find it amusing to ask them to cite their evidence, and watch them implode into stammering, backpedalling, lies and/or a meltdown of psychotic rage.

Angel eyes said...

Libs are the craziest things.

RabidAlien said...

Heh. Wraith stole mine. I will add that LIbs love to quote her as saying "I can see Russia from my house!", and they always look so confused when I point out that that particular little gem was from Tina Fey spoofing Sarah Palin on SNL.

Back when I worked retail, there was a liberal cashier who loved telling everyone how much better she was than everyone else, because she had some sort of business degree. Always talking down to her co-workers and management (who, honestly, deserved being talked to like idiots. For the most part, they were.), until I got a little tired of hearing it and replied (very nicely, I might add...I might have even laughed before I replied) "that's awesome! Yet here you are, making minimum wage, running a cash register at {{retail chain that I shall never return to}}." She refused to say another word to me for the two months or so that she remained. Which was fine by me. Irony is, she left {{retail chain that I shall never return to}} to work in fast food.

Anonymous said...

My brother the ARCH left wing hippie Dumbocrat want's Obama to be permanent dictator. He says that if we make him(Obama)emperor he'll give us free pot & hamburgers for life. He also told my wife that all "Jesus Nazis", republicans, "gun freaks" and "right wingnuts" hate Obama because we are RACIST.-I guess you can't fix stooped---Ray

wirecutter said...

"Obama has done everything he promised."

And I'm not even going to rant about that.

Angel eyes said...

Yeah 'Cutter, he did didn't he? For the worse.

Anonymous said...

When standing in line on voting day, a liberal couple tried to convince me people hate Obama for being black and poor. Also there was election fraud that was rigging things for Romney so O wouldn't win, and how O-Care would be the thing to help everyone in the nation.

I had no idea what to say to all that. Seriously, I wished I could have convinced them that voting was ending behind me because the ballot box was full. I had just a bit of hesitation in hoping they'd believe it so I didn't.

-Concerned Mama

Dapandico said...

"Can't fire me I have Ten Year now'

Volfram said...

"I think Democrats are more fiscally conservative than Republicans these days." and "Obama's done everything he can to reduce the deficit."(about the president who spent more in 6 months than the last guy did in 8 years, and single-handedly doubled the national debt.)

"Even though registration has always lead to confiscation in the past, I believe that a national gun registration could be put into place without leading to confiscation."(without explaining how it would be "different" this time)

"The government can't do that, it's illegal."

I live with this guy. He has a BS in math and initially comes off as fairly intelligent, but given his day-to-day behavior and commentary, he drinks a LOT of Kool-Aid.

(the metophorical stuff, not the huge tub of powdered mix I bought back in March)

Volfram said...

@Anon(Concerned Mama), technically that's electioneering and you could get them kicked out of the polling place for that.

Dapandico said...

During the 2010 mid term a young female asked why 0bamas name wasn't on the ballot

hiswiserangel said...

John Galt, I'll do you one better. 20-something college student, waiting at the poll in front of my parents, pondered to no one in particular, "Does anybody know Obama's last name? Or does he go by his first name like Prince and Madonna?" Mom said Poppy's eyes closed and he started muttering under his breath. She backed up a couple of steps.

Anonymous said...

@Volfram, I had no idea. Good to know for next time, thanks.

Seriously, if upon hearing what is happening, my kidlets who aren't even in double digits can comprehend and know what is wrong with the system in general and Liberals in particular, it can't be too hard to get it right.

-Concerned Mama

Volfram said...

@Concerned Mama: There is a posted sign outside all polling places(I have personally set up said sign a couple of times). Speaking in favor or opposition of any candidate, party, or ballot issue while within this line, or displaying text or logos in favor or opposition of any candidate, party, or ballot issue while within this line is illegal.

Not everyone remembers. I had to remind a fellow election judge one year that she was talking about someone who was up for re-election on that ballot.

The sign has to be posted clearly, and most judges have nothing to gain by not doing so(and plenty to lose). Amusingly enough, if you're standing a foot outside that line, you can say or display whatever propaganda you like.