Sunday, September 15, 2013

This ought to make your Sunday

So, a religious food pantry in Florida had to choose between government cheese and God. Guess Who won? There is no part of any of our Founding documents that says "separation of Church and state", that phrase was taken from the phrase "a wall of separation between church and state" as written by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802, long after the nation's founding. The First Amendment says nothing barring any religious group from distributing USDA goods, which if you think about it, are purchased with taxpayer money from farmers and ranchers as surplus and therefore belong to US the taxpaying citizens.

Read the story, take your blood pressure meds, and say a prayer of thanks that there are still Americans willing to hold to their principles and tell the government what it can do with it's cheese.

Sent in by Terry from FL


Mark P said...

They should have fought this. They owe it to the people they serve. This is not a constitutional or legal position. It's just one FL state moron, whose title is longer than his p.... Unfortunately, we are not in short supply of such idiots in this country.

Volfram said...

And at the charities, very loudly announce to all of the people getting food, "Also, the government has withdrawn all support and wants you to starve. The USDA hates you."

I have a Mormon roommate who would have taken the cheese.