Friday, March 14, 2014

Texas Tale: Tall or True?

Frontier Battalion, Co. "B", about 1880
A number of years ago in north east Texas there was a kidnapping of a young girl.  A report of the suspect's car came over the radio and a Deputy Sheriff who was close to that location sped to the scene.  When he arrived a Texas Ranger was already there, had the girl safely in his care and the perp was dead, shot by the Ranger.
By Texas law the local justice of the peace was called out to pronounce the perp dead, which he did.  He listed the cause of death as suicide.

The family of the perp questioned the cause of death, since the perp had been shot and killed by the Ranger, so a coroner's inquest was held.  The justice of the peace was placed on the stand and asked why he had listed the cause of death as suicide.  The Justice of the Peace answered, "Because if you point a gun at a Texas Ranger after he has told you to put it down, you are committing suicide."  The cause of death stood.


Robert Fowler said...

Just as surely as if he had put his own gun to his head and pulled the trigger. One important lesson I learned when I lived there, two actually. Don't mess with Texas and don't piss off Texas Ranger.

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome. Wonder if that defense would work for normal law abiding citizens...

VonZorch said...

Leighc, of course not normal law abiding citizens are NOT anointed minions of the Holy State.

RabidAlien said...

Tall-tale or true, its certainly badass.