Monday, August 25, 2014

But seriously, what do you think of Ryan?


Anonymous said...

I think he works at the post office now; my post office.

Sara said...

LMFAO! I had one gal that was let go that insisted on using us as a reference. You would have thought that she would have left her employment there off of her resume, but she just kept putting us down. Now we aren't allowed to talk poorly about her, no matter how bad she was, but we could say that she would not be hired back, and I can also say what website to go to where she went off on a customer online, unbeknownst to us. Public domain with her name. :)

JeremyR said...

We kept him around so long because he was an excellent bad example.

idahobob said...


That must be the reference for my worthless son in law, Ryan!
