Thursday, February 5, 2015

Titty alert!

Real or fake? Big or small? Even if you were gifted with bodacious tatas, several natural factors such as age, pregnancy and nursing, or weight loss can deflate them like Patriot footballs. And for most women, you either take what the good Lord gave you or you seek augmentation surgery, an invasive procedure during which your boobs are sliced open and plastic bags filled with saline or silicone are shoved inside. And no matter how good the results are, they still look and feel "not quite natural". After all, boobs are made up of pectoral muscle, fibrous tissue and fat, and there's no way to simulate that glorious bouncy squishy goodness.

But can you stimulate it? For as long as there's been boobs and science, there's been breast stimulation scams, creams, pills, exercises, all promising a fuller bustline. And none of them work. Until now. God bless stem cell research. Scientists have found a way to extract mesenchymal stem cells from the abdomen and hips, infusing fat and injecting it into the breasts. The stem cells receive signals from the body to regenerate natural breast fat tissue, filling out deflated breasts and enlarging them. Big, bouncy, natural boobies without invasive and dangerous surgery. Your own cells, your own body. Naturally. These doctors should receive the Nobel Prize for medicine. Or Sainthood.

If you want to read the science, HERE.

If not, HERE:


Bikermailman said...

Real, please. Don't care for the fake uns. As to size, it doesn't matter to me if they're big, small, or in between. What matters to me is if I get to touch them!

Stretch said...

Praise Him from whom all blessings flow ...

Anonymous said...

O/T but you should enjoy this one:

Bryn said...

+1 for Keith at #1.....

And also, may it please the deity of your choice, can we have a procedure that SHRINKS fatty tissue? A reverse stem-cell type enhancement...?
/Sits back, whimpering in hope, while (cough)00lbs of flubber quakes in fear...../

walker67 said...

Someone said something about boobs. Yep I like them .

Angel eyes said...


'Silicon, Boyz, iz made for toys'

Sir Mixalot.


Anonymous said...

Sainthood would be fine. At the same level as whoever first made bacon and right up there with John Moses Browning.


Volfram said...

Hard to say who's happier about this news: The people who have breasts or the people who look at them.

Keith was just the first person here to say what every man really thinks.