Friday, November 30, 2012

For crankyjohn...

Did I do something to offend you? Please drop me a line and let me know. You are a valued and cherished member of my "family" here.



crankyjohn said...

With much shame, and even more pain, I type up a tale which will most likely end up on an episode of cops. That show is still on isn't it? As most of you know, I like to post comments about me dear beloved missus, bless her heart. So last night as I was posting loving comments about my beloved, she happened to be looking over my shoulder, the light footed princess that she is. She saw me make a comment that went something like "I married you 'til death do us part. So when I'm dead, I'm free to date." Well my darling little dumpling took me up on my offer. After I awoke from the blunt force trauma to my head, I found her deleting all my love sick comments on our wedded bliss that she could find. Well, after much ado, two state troopers and a K-9 unit, I am happy to report that all is well in my little neck of the blogosphere. Watch out fellers, she's all mine. Please look foward to my future nom de plume 'Praying for the end of time" .

hiswiserangel said...

Don't go all "Meatloaf" on me. She needs to know that we know it's all good-natured fun. Glad to see you back. And at the risk of her ire, (((hugs))).

crankyjohn said...

That song makes me cry.

Grand said...

((manly hugs for crankyjohn))

Explain THAT one to her.

tripseven said...'re a real man! You two are lucky to have each other!

crankyjohn said...

Dont know whether to be complimented or insulted.

tripseven said...

100% compliment CJ!

hiswiserangel said...

Now I know how wirecutter felt when I'd flirt with someone on his blog... sorry wc. Mea culpa

wirecutter said...

Sorry Angel, I don't speak French.

angrymike said...

CJ, don't you keep a gun handy when being in the company of the lovely one? I do, just ask her, it's on the table right in front of me at all times when I'm visiting her home.............;-D

MissK said...

Glad you're alive and "well" Cranky.. ;-)

"Ah ben là j'ai pas d'choix les orteilles me tournes .."

tripseven said...


100% non-insult for 100% clarity darlin.