Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Secession: Not Just for Bat-shit Crazy Texans Anymore

Okay, folks, this has been in the hopper for about 4 days and the whole damn thing keeps evolving every time I think I'm ready to publish. Damn I wish news was static. So it began with the thought of Texas Seceding (and to those lovely Libs on HuffPo who heartily wish "Texas would succeed because we don't need a bunch of inbred rednecks....", why thank you. And yes, yes we will.  Then Louisiana beat us to the punch by petitioning the White House first. Louisiana. Louisiana. Grrrr. (Texas and Louisiana have about 82,000 and 30,000 signatures, respectively. Hah!)

Now it's grown to a nationwide phenomenon with a few surprise states thrown in the mix. More than 30 states have submitted petitions to the White House requesting the right to peacefully withdraw from the Union. Cue grumbling, shouts of sedition and treason, and more grumbling. Several things to consider here. Legality (seriously, was it legal for the Colonies to declare independence from Great Britain? Did the Patriots give a damn?), possibility vs. probability, and what's really going down.

First, legality. Sheesh. If I hear one more idiot spouting, "The Civil War decided that with bloodshed," I'm going to smack him. The American Revolution decided with bloodshed that people have the final say over who governs them and how they are governed.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
When did we give up this right? If it is an unalienable God-given right, how can a government, ANY government, tell us we can't? Our Forefathers were outlaws, seditious, treasonous to the Crown. And I, for one, am eternally grateful. So, Legally, NO if you go by the laws of man. If you go by the Laws of God, well........
Second, Possibility vs. Probability. You know, I kind of snoozed through this part of math class, but the basic premise seems to be is it possible for a state to secede, and how probable will it be. Possible? Oh hell yeah. Anything is possible. If you'd asked me ten days ago if it was possible for Obama to be reselected, I would have had to say yes. I reiterate, anything is possible. We proved that in the American Revolution. Now probable is another story. Probable means that the majority is ready to rumble, and we're not there yet. If you compare where we are now to where our Forefathers were when they withdrew from the Crown, it's not even close. Are we unhappy? Disgruntled? Disenfranchised? Yes, yes, and yes. But to the point of provoking war? Not quite yet. Things are bad, but not that bad. If you think Obama would let a bunch of us just walk away "peacefully", well bless your hearts.

Now, what's really going down. Why did a bunch of seemingly intelligent, normal, sane people from all over this great nation decide to follow the Bat-shit Crazy Texans (yeah, Louisiana, you were first) into Secession? What's it all about? It's about Freedom of Speech; it's about the right to make your mind known to those in power; it's about damn time. The Man Who Would Be God needs to hear the American people who didn't drink the Kool-aid and shift his position to way-the-hell-right of where he currently is. He needs to govern for all. Will he get the message? Will he heed it? Back to Possibility vs. Probability. Yes, it's possible, but highly improbable. Obama has four years to prove us wrong. We have four years to prepare, maybe not that long. Time is short, and the need is urgent.

Many of us know in our souls what's coming. I don't think any of us are anxious to hasten the battle. We need the time on our side. So I leave you with my Granny's words, "Children, pray for the best, prepare for the worst." God speed.


Grand said...

Long live the Free States.

crankyjohn said...

Our founders went to war over a tax on TEA for God's sake. The sheep of today are being taxed to death on everything from income to tanning salons. What's it going to take this time? I doubt the sheep have the stomach.

LeviTheMedic said...

Do you know that only 3% of population originally took up arms against the crown in the Revolutionary war?

This is where the III Percent groups come from.

Further, only 6-20% of the population joined or supported them throughout the entire war.

Get yer IIIper side ready, it'll be ugly but necessary, and a great many will not survive.

I'm prepared for that. I took the oath, wrote the country a blank check up to and including my life. So be it.

Barky took the same oath and promptly vomited on it. This will not stand.

Semper Fi Mofo's

Bill in Austin said...

Wish it was the STATES starting the petitions. Then probably obama would pay attention. But with "just" mere proles advancing the idea, obama will not give a rip. He is into governing by edict, the Hell with the people. But it sure does feel good to sign anyway. Lets folks know where you stand.

Glad you started your own blog, first read you over at Wirecutter's place. Good luck.


crankyjohn said...

Even if it was the states, you think Barry would give a shit? I don't. This guy sees half the population as enemies.

hiswiserangel said...

Thank you, Bill. The States will never do it until the SHTF, then it's a little too late. Or you can go with the belief that WE are the States. Right now, I think it's an exercise in vocal protest rather than a threat of action.

hiswiserangel said...

I got my 3% Degree from the Wirecutter School of Patriots. He's a mean teacher. And I agree with your point.

Anonymous said...

The fed gov is already prepared for this. Google "FEMA internment camps". Every state has newely prepared already patrolled and armed concentration camps. TX closest one to me is at the old Carswell AFB. There are several more scattered thought TX and all he other states.

crankyjohn said...

Yeah, sign a petition so they know who you are and where to come pick you up.