I want to focus today on the positive. On what's right, what people are doing that builds a stronger union. And I can't think of a better place to start than with kids. I have had a TON of jobs, all different types, over the years; but the one that has been the most challenging, frustrating, exasperating, and enjoyable has been MOM. Long hours, no pay, but the benefits rock. And when you come across kids that you know are being raised right, with solid values and work ethic, you have to share it.
Dennis Thompson of Two Point Enterprise (you know, the Knife Guy) contacted wirecutter about linking his daughters' business sites. He did his best, but WC knows knives and guns and things that go BOOM. He doesn't know bows, and beach towels, and cute little girly things. So I asked Dennis if I could talk about the girls' businesses too. You know, the more the merrier.
So first of all, let that sink in for a minute. An American family of Entrepreneurs. Yes folks, they indeed built that. And now they're teaching their daughters the value of goal-setting, hard work, and focus. These girls aren't starting with the "handout" lesson of receiving an "allowance" for nothing more than being. They are working for their pocket money. They are seeing that the fruits of their labor are worth the sacrifice. These young ladies are learning Capitalism. And if nothing else brightens your day, that should. This does give me hope for the future.
So preaching aside, may I present to you for your girly Christmas shopping needs:
Watch the videos, browse and think of all the little cuties in your lives. Daughters, nieces, granddaughters, all would be thrilled with these cute bows, backpacks and beach towels. Dudes, I know y'all are more comfortable with the guns, bullets, knives and manly things, so if you just can't bring yourself to order an adorable pink polka-dotted bow, pass the links to your wives, daughters, significant others.
These young business ladies' links will join their dad's links under People Who Have Things I Covet. One of the best things we can do to preserve what's left of America is supporting families who get it. And by all indications, the Thompsons get it. Merry Christmas.
Why, they're so purty I don't even want to blow them up.
Good job on the write-up, much better than I could've ever done.
Thank you, we each have our talents. I won't tell you how to blow up shit, and you leave the purty things to me.
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