Friday, December 7, 2012

The Celebration of Victimhood

This is the age-old argument, the one we're always having with people who think we're cruel because we expect able-minded and bodied people to stand up and DO SOMETHING/ANYTHING  for themselves. It's the argument we end up repeating, and to a degree, it's because we simply don't understand the logic of the Left and why they celebrate victims to the point of perpetuating victimhood for as long as humanly possible.
I wish I could put into words (a Liberal could understand) the frustration of seeing people who could be doing SOMETHING do absolutely NOTHING because they are the VICTIMS of evil Conservatives and despicable wealthy. I have no doubt that there are people in this world who truly need and deserve assistance. I also know without a shadow of a doubt that for every one of them, there are two who are in it for the free ride, believing the world owes them a living.  I have no beef with the elderly who worked their entire lives paying into the system, or the veterans who served their country honorably, or the souls with physical or mental disabilities that prevent them from taking care of themselves. These people truly deserve and need our help.
The welfare moms with numerous baby daddies who learned to work the system from their welfare moms and grandmas, not so much. The illegal aliens who know more about the welfare programs of America than most Americans do not have my sympathy. Able-bodied 20-somethings with Ivy League degrees in Disgruntled Gay/Women/Minority studies who are holding out for the six-figure income position with benies and consider flipping burgers beneath them even as a stop-gap (I have $200K in student loans, minimum wage won't cover it so I won't take any job) don't even register on my Compassionometer. I can't tell you how many times I've offered FREE FRESH VEGETABLES to people panhandling with every excuse in the book, and been met with cold derisive stares and profanity. I've offered unlimited fresh organic veggies to anyone who wanted to come pick them, and had no response. NONE. And I had an illegal welfare family with 4 anchor babies living 20 feet away from my greenhouse for 9 years. Apparently, picking fresh veggies for the family is beneath them. How dare I suggest it.
So, since I can't find the words to explain the Liberal Left's fascination with victimhood, I offer you this brilliant article. Please read it and arm yourselves for the argument.
These patrons of the culture of entitlement become shrill with anger if it is pointed out that there is even such a thing as a culture of entitlement, not to mention that trying to support over 100 million people on welfare is a recipe for ruin. Equally unacceptable to them is the notion that sections of the population are cynically fleecing the system of all the welfare they can get – this doesn’t fit with their image of the helpless victim.

More here.


crankyjohn said...

I am a victim of marriage. Please send donations to my pay pay account until I can arrange for government assistance. Its your patriotic duty to pay me more. USSA! USSA!

Anonymous said...

Progressivism is the embodiment of psychological projection.

They call the business man greedy, but riot when they cannot buy their 60 inch 3D TVs with their EBT cards.

They claim to be against war, but shill for Hamas when they deliberately target innocent civilians.

They claim to be for free speech, but want to outlaw speech critical of Muslims, gays, femininazis, nazis, communists, transgenders, and themselves.

They claim that capitalists are exploiters, but stay silent when unions use violence and coercion to stifle dissent.

They claim to be against racism but allow the black panthers to threaten voters.

Mike Miles said...

The takers understand their new political power. The Govt. is willing to pay them off with increasing rewards. This is an unsustainable model, a pyramid scheme that is doomed to fail and crush all below it. Prepare well my friends.

hiswiserangel said...

Add to that the shift in "immigration" policy. Where we once courted immigrants that wanted to become Americans and work and prosper, now the government allows people into the country and greets them with all the info they need to get on every government welfare program we have with the promise of amnesty. There's no pretense anymore. The Dems are growing their power base by the thousans daily.

Stardraigh said...

Unlimited Fresh Veggies with a cost of some manual labor and making acquaintances if not friends? I'm there. I would so come and pick them. People would be crazy stupid not to take an offer like that. But then again, people are stupid, and probably crazy stupid.

wirecutter said...

This morning I watched a healthy young man pay for his soda, a bag of Flaming Cheetos, a bag of skittles and a cupcake with his EBT card. He didn't see the point when I told him "You're welcome".
If I worked at a store I'd be fired the first day.