Friday, February 1, 2013

I will survive...

A week of emotional erosion and beatdowns, having to miss a KM class to keep "the peace", no range time. No alcohol. Sometimes WarriorAngel feels like a dream, a fantasy, an impossibility. Sometimes, it just feels like a fraud. Pulling up the Adult Female Lingerie (is that better crankyjohn?), making the decision to keep plugging. Fake it 'til you make it, right? There's always next week.


crankyjohn said...

I appreciate that, the thought of big girl panties takes me to places I just don't want to go. As for feeling like being a fraud? Well, here is my philosophy on that. At certain times in our lives, just about ALL of us are frauds and or hypocrites. Humans are flawed creatures. To hear my ex wife and sometimes my current Missus, I am biggest asshole on the planet and was a shitty father, both of which I know are not true. I use to let the bullshit lies get to me. Am I a saint? Fuck no!! Did I ever fuck up in life? Fuck yeah! But I know in my heart I was a good father, still am and a good man. So here is what I do. I live ONE DAY AT A TIME do my best and fuck what anyone else says or thinks. Fuck that whore dyke ex wife of mine and the poison she fed my kids, I know the truth. Dont listen to lies Wiser. Sometimes its someone else saying the lies, and sometimes its our own mind and insecurities.
Molon Labe & FUCK OBAMA!

Paladin said...

Long term goals can be frustrating, can't they? Especially because they are usually something we want very badly so there's a natural urge to want them NOW and to get frustrated when the timetable doesn't survive contact with the enemy. I find myself in that position CONSTANTLY :)

Thing is... you're going to be somewhere, doing something, in some kind of condition a year (or even two) from now. Any permanent progress you make between now and then is going to put you closer to having the life (or skills, or savings, or body, etc.) that you want. That's why its so important to hang in there and keep plodding forward even when the "plan" was to make 20 miles a day and you only make 2.

That's two miles closer to the goal than you were yesterday. Add up lots of those 2 mile days and one day you'll look back and say "HOLY CRAP! Look how far I've come."

Its just a matter of timing, as long as you don't give up. If you're goal is to be WarriorAngel in a year and you're only halfway there a year from now... that's not so bad! You'll still be miles and miles ahead of where you'd be if you gave up after the first few roadblocks.

Plus you're already hundreds of miles ahead of the majority of sheeple who's biggest goal in life is not forgetting to set the DVR for Honey Boo Boo.

Crap.... most of week without blog commenting anywhere seems to have increased my output, so to speak, now that I have a release.

Sorry 'bout that :)

hiswiserangel said...

I have just gotten a hug, an ass whuppin', and a pep talk. God, I love you guys! What I need in the order I needed it. Did y'all coordinate? *hugs*

crankyjohn said...

I dont freakin hug anybody.

WiscoDave said...

You'll see the world much better without the holster on your nose...

hiswiserangel said...

Wisco, heh, ~sniff~, I don't know what you're talking about, ~sniff...

idahobob said...

Just keep on keepin' on, sweetie. You will get there.
