Monday, February 11, 2013

Yep, it's like that...

The Only Jewelry I Want
For Valentine's Day


Robert Fowler said...

Did you notice that they are both left hands? They should have made a mirror image, one left, one right.

I bet sweet wife wouldn't wear them.

Grand said...

I have this thing for woman that wear men's tux shirts.

Grand said...

French cuffs, specifically...

hiswiserangel said...

Grand, those are earrings. Not cufflinks. :-)

Grand said...

Ha HA! You are right! I didn't look at the backs. And they looked large in the pic.

Grand said...

Well. Now you know something...

hiswiserangel said...

Uh-huh. I know a lot of somethings....

Anonymous said...

I'll take "Reasons Wirecutter got his ears pierced for $100 Alex."

Dan O. said...

Well hell. I'D wear one of those. Off to search for 'em. Anyone want the other one? Or maybe it'll be worth a second piercing. heh