Monday, July 15, 2013

Driving through the storm

So, on your journey, the sky darkens. Thunder rolls and lightning turns from the light flashes between clouds, to devastating ground strikes. So close, you feel the hair on your arms and neck stand on end with the electrical charge in the air.

Behind you is safety, ahead of you is the heart of the storm.

Turn around and go back? Find shelter and wait, knowing that the storm will catch up to you eventually?

Or do you stay the course? Do you drive forward, wipers slapping away the rain furiously, lightning closing in, the wind and thunder shaking your vehicle?

Drive on, fellow travelers. No matter where you are, there will be storms.
And you will find yourselves cleaned and restored after coming through them.


Volfram said...

Heart of the storm's the best place to be:

RabidAlien said...

"Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead!" -USN Admiral Farragut, Mobile, Alabama, August 5th 1864.

Unknown said...

Onward, onward
Though the tempest roar

My dog decided that she was terrified of thunder. When we had a storm, I would go out when the lightning flashed and growl through the thunder, then snort at it and walk away. She picked up on it pretty fast, now it doesn't bother her. She might pick her head up and growl at the first few claps, but no more terrifies cowering and whining.

hiswiserangel said...

Kyle, that is officially the cutest story of the day, darlin'.

Unknown said...

Some think inside the box, some outside. I have become one with the box. Existing neither outside nor inside. Or maybe I'm just a little weird and have too much time on my hands. Either way, I get stuff done. :)

Anonymous said...

Dunno, if I saw that shit I'd turn my happy ass around go the fuck back. That's God sending a message right there. One you shouldn't ignore.

idahobob said...

Sometimes, like now, the storm has too much bullshit to deal with.

No end in sight.

Fuck it.
