Sunday, July 14, 2013



Anonymous said...

What I like most about libertarian thought, is that it implies that we can act morally without needing someone to tell us what that is.

Anonymous said...

Vices are not crimes.

Do civilized human beings need the State to tell us right from wrong?

Do not violate another person's life, liberty, or property. A simple rule that can allow even the most complex society to operate efficiently and achieve peace and prosperity.

"human history is basically a race between State power and social power, between the beneficent fruits of peaceful and voluntary production and creativity on the one hand, and the crippling and parasitic blight of State power upon the voluntary and productive social process. All of the services commonly thought to require the State—from the coining of money to police protection to the development of law in defense of the rights of person and property—can be and have been supplied far more efficiently and certainly more morally by private persons. The State is in no sense required by the nature of man; quite the contrary."

Murray Rothbard

Anonymous said...

So true !!!! :)

Charissa said...
