Friday, August 16, 2013

Yeah, that covers it

I spent six hours today with our family lawyer trying to figure out this mess with Obamacare placing restrictions on parents having custodial guardianship AND being the primary caregiver to a disabled child. No one should have to spend six hours with a lawyer. No one should have to spend six hours studying one 300+ page section of the most unconstitutional pile of steaming shit ever to come out of DC. So spending 6 hours with a lawyer sifting through Obamacare looking for a miracle has left me shell-shocked, twitchy and a bit crazed. I took the chicklets to the Lake pool for an afternoon of sun and water and laughter. Fuck Obama.


Anonymous said...

Well that's shitty. I wonder how many shitastic surprises we are going to find as more and more comes to light. Sorry you're dealing with this mess. I hope you can get it straightened out to you and the girls' benefit.


wirecutter said...

Did you get a decent shot at the lawyer? They should have bounties on 'em, at least an open season like coyotes, ground squirrels and other varmints.

Ken aka fht451 said...

I am sorry you had to have a 6 hour session with a piece of shit, trying to protect yourself from another piece of shit. This is all wrong. None of this is American, or Constitutional at all. Where is the non violent answer? Judges are corrupt, Senators and congressmen are corrupt, Justice dept is corrupt, and Americans are so busy watching reality t.v. they have no time to step out of their comfort zone to realize they are so screwed. Dear Lord give me an answer how to turn this around.

Heisenbug said...

I heard a recording of some "celebrity" the other day bitching about a Catholic politician because he's opposed to gay marriage when the government is bankrupt, the borders are not secure, far too many people do not earn a living, and our very right to exist is being taken from us. And they crap on about sideshows like gay fucking marriage?

Apparently I'm the only one around these parts who sees gay marriage as just some other unimportant bullshit.

General P. Malaise said...

why do you Americans put up with Obama and clowns and congress??

Volfram said...

Ooo, I had a copy of that picture but it was low-quality and low-resolution. Yours is much better, thanks.

My Liberal roommate made a smug comment last night while talking about employment topics that "most employers will be needing to provide benefits soon, anyway." I replied that "Actually, most companies are just planning on cutting hours across the board."

I think he still thinks Obamacare is the golden miracle that it was promised back when we were all still saying "HOW CAN IT BE A GOOD IDEA TO PASS SOMETHING YOU HAVEN'T READ!?"

General Malaise: We don't. We're working on how to make them disappear without getting in trouble for it.

Jesse in DC said...

Man, just when I think shit in my world pisses me off... Anything we can do to help? Yes I DO mean the lie cheat and steal department