Thursday, March 6, 2014

I will be doing this

Have a plain wooden fence between the garden and rest of the backyard that is crying out for whimsy. I'm going out there with my DeWalt cordless drill and a bag of all the marbles I've lost over the last few years, and I'm going to whimsy the fuck out of that fence.


Navy91 said...

Hell, yes! Go for it Angel! :-)

Grand said...

"all the marbles I've lost over the last few years"

That'll be a fuckload of holes to drill.

hiswiserangel said...

Grand, you know your way to the Naughty Corner....

And fuckload is my favorite unit of measurement.

Grand said...

If you miss stuffing a hole you will get a lot of whistling.

(No innuendo implied, you perv.)

hiswiserangel said...

I'm sorry, I can't hear you all the way over there in the Naughty Corner...

Grand said...

*insert whistling sound here*

hiswiserangel said...

Stuff it in your hole, Grand.

Mr. Miracle said...

Can you put in some nice clear ones so we can have something to look at from the Naughty Corner?

Anonymous said...

An AR would make quick work of the "drilling"?

Brock Townsend said...

Fun, but shooting is easier and more fun than drilling. :)

jon spencer said...

I did a variation of one of these for my sisters backyard fence last year, it really looks good.
The neighbor on the other side of the fence likes it too, with the colors from the morning the sun shining the other way.
One problem that I had was finding a supplier of the proper colored marbles with a consistent size.
Here is a link to a supplier of clearies that worked,