Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dear Lord in Heaven, how cool is this?

I tried to learn how to play chess years ago. I just don't have the patience and focus for it. But I WANT this. A .223 chess set. Just look at it, y'all.



Robert Fowler said...

I want one. I haven't played in years (can't seem to find a good opponent). I need to start teaching the grandsons how to play, They are 6, 8 and 9. I originally learned in the 6th grade, I was 11. We won't get into what year that was :P

hiswiserangel said...

Robert, did you read the description on their site? They can use whatever caliber you request or they can use spent casings from your own gun. If you get one, please post it on your blog.

Anonymous said...

Extremely friggin' cool.