Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Oooo girl, I done got my nails did!

Behold! Your tax dollars at work, or How I Used My EBT Card....


Anonymous said...

Oh holy hell! That's all sorts of nasty!! What a waste of basically everything. File 'em and paint 'em yourself, save the funds for something worthwhile.

-Concerned Mama

Unknown said...

At least the faces are on the proper fingers. Upside down, though.

Angel eyes said...

Love your tan, babee!

Anonymous said...

That settles it, I am applying for an EBT card.
Can I say fuck Obama on your blog?

hiswiserangel said...

Yes Terry, I encourage it heartily.

Fuck Obama and the Mooch he rode in on.


Anonymous said...

Dat pinky nail jus' be dead-azz wrong.

Jus' sayin yo.

Anonymous said...

Is that what they call a "painted" lady

Heisenbug said...

So I'm a week behind on my blogs, but Angel... Obama didn't ride the Mooch. He gets ridden by the Reggie (and anyone else down the bath-house...).

Loves ya! :)