Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Metadata not that big a deal? Read on

Excellent read sent in by Terry from FL. I'm still reading, but realize a good thing when I see it, so I'm breaking to give it to y'all.



Anonymous said...

They could only find Paul if he were on Facebook- Twitter and carried a cell phone- The Evil Empire can only see you if you carry AND USE your official tracking device. IF you throw the tracking module AWAY, you are just as invisible as you would have been in 1774.---Ray P.S. High tec CANNOT SEE low tec.

Anonymous said...

Ray, use the web? Credit card? Go to a doctor that uses the now mandatory electronic medical record? The spying isn't just limited to social media and cell phones.
And the premise of the article was that all the original data was from agents of the crown reports. And the data manipulation was done manually.

Anonymous said...

Terry E- File Medical Record keeping is only mandated if you have Obamacare. It is NOT mandated if you pay cash. I don't use CC's (I don't own an AR-15 ether) And my desktop computer is a luxury I can happily do without(Other things we don't use(and don't need)-TV, GPS , Smart phones-Laptops-Facebook twitter and most of the rest of the 21st century)

General P. Malaise said...

all well if you think that is how the data will be used. ...but it wont.

the liberal/marxists will use the information to stop their opponents.

want to run for office as a conservative. hopefully you never had internet because if you did every page you visited will be used against you.

if you are a liberal /marxist ..well then it doesn't matter does it.