Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cool Product of the Week

Okay, most of you guys probably don't think about laundry. You either have your wimmin to take care of it, or you just pick the least stinky thing up off the floor to wear. But what do you do when you aren't anywhere near a washing machine? Or wimmin? Your outer clothes can probably take quite a beating before needing to be washed, but clean socks and skivvies are very important to good hygeine and health. I present The Scrubba. Compact hand washer, packs light, uses very little water, gives you good "washing machine clean" clothes in a few minutes. What do y'all think? Would you pack one of these in your go bags? The price is pretty high, can you come up with alternatives?

An added note, gleaned from the comments....


Dapandico said...

Metal good grater

RabidAlien said...

Just a regular 5-gallon bucket, a bit of soap, and a plunger or stick. Did laundry with just those many a time while working on staff at a Boy Scout summer camp waaaaaaay back in the day.

hiswiserangel said...

But if you have to bug out with just your go bag, are you going to be carrying a 5-gallon bucket and plunger? I'm not talking about living off the grid, I'm talking about living on the move.

Bearded Youth said...

The old splash bath in the creek. Scrub your clothes while they're still on then scrub underneath them. The old bar of Irish spring does a pretty good job, and in Idaho, you're never that far from a natural source of water

Anonymous said...

Depends on how dirty the item is. If it passes the smell test, I spray Febreze on 'smelly areas' (pits and crotch), then roll around on the lawn. If I missed seeing the dog shit, it might do.

If it was just little dog poopage, just take off and spin around the head and put back on. If people ask, its a designer mark and they should be jealous! :^)

Anonymous said...

Anon again - damn, should have mentioned that this would be great for vacations in our family. We tend to pack light and 4 days in, we stop and do laundry at a washeteria. With this, you could do it while in your hotel room.

Anonymous said...

catfish said...

A good old fashioned scrub brush is what I have in the BOB. Just like they taught us in the Corps. A little soap, scrub the clothes on a rock or a hard surface, rinse, repeat. Worked fine when I camped out on Beaver Creek on the CA side of Mt Ashland for 4 months back in 82 I think it was.

RabidAlien said...

For a SHTF situation where it was foot-n-backpack vs. "toss everything possible in the back of the truck", I'd go with Catfish's method. Nothing like a good old fashioned rock and a scrubber. Heck, I've heard of methods where a handful of sand rubbed around will do the same job as the brush, worst-case. Just make sure to rinse really well. Sand rubs in all the wrong ways.

Jillian said...

Catfish's method works, but you've got to keep in mind for long term use, it isn't recommended. Today's textiles are just not as durable as ones 100 years ago, and are not built to last like those clothes were. Military gear is manufactured to take that kind of abuse - so yeah - the Corps would probably recommend it. But most T shirts, underwear, etc just aren't hardy. HWA's Scrubba might be good for those types of items that would wear out more quickly. But jeans, flannel shirts - those could be scrub brush & rock.

Angel eyes said...

Does it come in a color besides fabulous? (with a lisp).

hiswiserangel said...

It's Tiffany blue, Angel eyes, wtf is wrong with that color?

Angel eyes said...

If I took that thing camping with my friends I would wake up with a condom sticking out of my ass.

catfish said...

Tiffany Blue is fine, but I was looking for puce or dark sienna perhaps. Deep cerise, deep space sparkle or hookers green would be nice too.

Angel eyes said...

Camo! Anybody? Bueller? Bueller?

hiswiserangel said...

Sheesh, dudes, you'd all still be living in caves, wiping with your hands and eating raw meat on a stick.

catfish said...

I like raw meat on a stick!

Angel eyes said...

That's us right here, dear heart

hiswiserangel said...

A world Before Eve, Angel eyes? May I refer you to a comment of yours above about waking up with a condom dangling from your backside?

Angel eyes said...

Apples and uh, something or other.

catfish said...

And there was our charming hostess sitting next to Adam sucking on a beer keg taking a break from Jumanji! LMAO

RabidAlien said...

Heh. Reminds me of the Far Side cartoon with a bunch of cavemen sitting around a fire, grimacing in pain as they cooked hunks of meat over the fire in their hands. One is pointing off to the side, to another caveman (with glasses. Go figger.), roasting his drumstick on a stick. The caption reads "Hey! Look what Zog do!"

hiswiserangel said...

Zog probably also discovered the clitoris long before his lesser cave bros.

Angel eyes said...

"Chef, what's a clitoris?"

hiswiserangel said...

"Okay. Hi, Chef. Nice day, isn't it?" :-)

Angel eyes said...

"That reminds me of a song"

hiswiserangel said...

Oh please don't sing one of Chef's songs, this is my new PG blog. I don't think I could take it.

RabidAlien said...

...sez the woman who brought up the topic of "clitoris" in response to a Far Side cartoon. LOL

Robert Fowler said...

catfish said...
A good old fashioned scrub brush is what I have in the BOB. Just like they taught us in the Corps.

With our clothespins stuck on the bills of our covers.

catfish said...

This just popped up in my RSS feed today:Hygiene In The Field