Monday, August 5, 2013

The Canada Saga: Episode III

Note: Hubby has been barred from Canada for criminal behavior (two misdemeanors perpetrated viciously in 1987 and 1999); and I've been fighting with the Canadian Consulate in Los Angeles to restore his right to cross their sacred borders in order to deliver a vital chemical oderant to keep their useless asses from gassing themselves to death with propane and natural gas. This is the continuation of that battle.

Okay, first application sent in March, rejection because they decided they needed two official passport photos was received in May. Application for Criminal Rehabilitation containing required photos and a cashier's check for $210 to cover fluctuations in exchange rate per their online instructions resubmitted the next day.

Second rejection received today because the check is supposed to be for $200 (did not specify Canadian or US dollars). Took the $210 to the bank and got a $200, put everything back in a certified overnight package. Hubby screams for 40 minutes, everything is my fault and I'm an idiot, clearly (???) they want a check for $200 converted to Canadian dollars, which at today's exchange rate is $192.88. I go back to the post office, ask to pull the package, go to the bank and get a second check for $192.88, back to the post office to open the package and add the second check with a kindly worded note to PICK A GODDAMN CHECK AND GET IT DONE ALREADY. But much nicer.

I'm thoroughly expecting the package back from Canada in a couple of months requiring a blood sacrifice of a virgin and three hairs from a heffalump or woozle. If I don't kill someone before then.


Robert Fowler said...

I'd let the goofy bastards do without the odorant and die a horrible gasping death.

But then, I'm from Michigan, the last line of defense against Canada.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Let's sum up. Two vicious misdemeanours, which I assume were violent crimes against a person, separated by a span of twelve years and may have been pled down from more serious felonies. And then a 40 minute screaming match when his wife makes an honest mistake, indicating he still can't control his temper. Sorry dear, I love your blog and you seem like a wonderful person, but your husband seems to be a violent-tempered brute. Why should any country allow a convicted violent criminal entry?

If I had a criminal record of two violent crimes, I would not be allowed into the USA or any other country in the world from Canada.

Why are you fixing his mistakes? He did the crime, let him deal with the bureaucracy. Dealing with a Canadian government bureaucrat is a punishment that the innocent shouldn't have to face.


hiswiserangel said...

Al_in_Ottawa, God love you, "vicious" was sarcasm to underscore the ridiculous nature of Canadian border agents.
One was a misdemeanor Minor in Possession (of alcohol) when he was 18, one night in jail and a $100 fine. The second was a trumped up DUI that fell apart in court when the repeated breathalyzers and dashcam video failed to prove even a tipsy driver. It was reduced by the judge to a misdemeanor reckless endangerment. Time and a $500 fine. No probation, no parole. But your comment kind of underlines the Canadian mentality.

And, being a stay-at-home mom, I have more time to deal with pissy little Canadian twatwaffles than he does. But yeah, he's an asshole. I'll give you that one.

Anonymous said...

The term 'reckless endangerment' may be the show-stopper right there. In Canadian legalese that term is used to describe a very serious offence. Reckless endangerment is the charge if the victim is gravely injured and negligent manslaughter if the victim dies. The next rung up the ladder is murder.

If the repeated breathalyzers failed to prove intoxication why was the charge even laid in the first place? Cops inflating their stats?

The world badly needs a sarcasm font.


hiswiserangel said...

In Texas, reckless endangerment is reserved for dumbass stunts that are usually preceded by the phrase, "Hey, Earl, hold my beer..."

There was no wreck, no victim, no injury, nothing, just a gung ho rookie cop and my idiot husband who had two beers at Texas Roadhouse.

idahobob said...

If he wants to scream at you, tell you it's your fault and you are clearly an idiot.....FUCK HIM!!

Let the asshole deal with the Canadian bureaucracy himself. He developed the problems, let him deal with them.

I hate fucking assholes who bully, scream and shout.

NO ONE deserves to be treated in such a manner.

Damn, I'm steamed.
