Saturday, September 7, 2013

Texas Independence: I love this man

Right after the re-election of Obama, there was a wave of Secession Fever, with an overwhelming majority of states joining the chorus with petitions on the White House website. And while all of that got swallowed up by bombings, tragedies, scandals, and general twatfuckery out of the Obama administration, Texans kept their heads down and kept moving forward. For us, for most of us (there's still some Obamabots in the Blue Four who think everything is hunky dory), secession isn't some knee-jerk reaction, it's a solid plan. We were a nation once, we've kept that independent mentality, and we are more than happy to become an independent nation again when the SHTF. Those blue Obamabots, well, we outnumber you, we're stronger and more self-reliant than you, and if you really don't want to LIVE FREE, we'll be happy to move you on out. Just let us get our trailers hooked to our pickups and we'll even help you pack.

Within the article is a link to the other side's opinion of Texas' secession with some of the most asinine comments from Dems. They don't realize the pain they'll be in without us once it all comes down on Obama's head. They're really good for a giggle.

A prominent Texas politician, who is running to be the state’s next Attorney General, said this week his state is actively preparing to secede from the union and become an “independent nation” if the U.S. “falls apart.”
Barry Smitherman, currently the Texas Railroad Commissioner, made the comments in an interview published in World Net Daily (WND) on Monday.
“Generally speaking, we have made great progress in becoming an independent nation, an ‘island nation’ if you will, and I think we want to continue down that path so that if the rest of the country falls apart, Texas can operate as a stand-alone entity with energy, food, water and roads as if we were a closed-loop system,” Smitherman said.

1 comment:

Volfram said...

As much as it'll suck for the rest of us when you go, I say power to you.

Nobody on the Left really realizes just how much of the US financial and military might relies on Texan industry and population. I saw a comment on TheBlaze that the Federal government would probably try to control Texan resources with military forces... what military forces?