Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ayn Rand Wisdom

Okay after the silliness, you need something solid to contemplate. Still one of the smartest beings to ever walk the planet. I'm not going to insult Ayn Rand by qualifying that with the designation "smartest women", not because I'm a feminist, but because she's just that spot on.


JeremyR said...

Yes, but if you put her in a room with Einstein, Newton, Plato, and Obama, the average IQ still drops below that of peat moss.

Volfram said...

Ayn Rand knew an awful lot more than most liberals are willing to give her credit for. She moved to the US from the kind of Socialist utopia that they're trying to build. She knew EXACTLY what they were going for.

I started reading The Fountainhead last year. I should finish it...

gone galt said...

Just watched Atlas Shrugged part II last night on Netflix and I am re-reading the book. All students should be required to watch the movie every year in every class until they "get it".

I am not sure many people realize how prescient she was. Listen to the talk today of fairness, fair share, redistribution, greedy corporations, etc., it is scary how close we are to a complete realization of her literary vision.

Unfortunately, I see no relief in sight. Like someone said in the movie, ( I think it was Francisco d'Anconia) "You can never win a never ending war".

Complete economic failure, a thinning of the moocher herd and a reset/restart is the only option I can think of that would work.