Why are these one of the "must have" gifts this Christmas season? Maybe because we've taken Christ out of Christmas? Can you think of anything more un-Christmassy than an occult tool that supposedly contacts the dearly departed? I don't know what your feelings are on ghosts, demons, spirits and the great beyond, but here are mine.
I believe in God, heaven and hell, the devil, demons, an "afterlife", and that the presence of evil is growing in the world today. Giving kids something that could possibly open them up to something evil wrapped in cheerful paper with a big bow on it is the height of stupidity. My personal experiences with ouija boards ended in junior high at a friend's birthday slumber party. We had it out playing until the others got bored and went on to something else, leaving it out on the table. I lingered, silently asking the question I was too embarrassed to ask, touching the little spindle thing. Laura yelled at me to get over there for the next embarrassing teenage girl game, so I reluctantly left the board. Later that night, I woke up hearing scratching noises and went to let their dog in. I had to pass by the table, and looked over to see the spindle moving across the board. I stopped. I closed my eyes and being the good Catholic girl I was, started praying Hail Mary. Opened my eyes to see it stop on the word "yes" in the corner. I let the dog in and we spent the rest of the night locked in the bathroom. I was the nerd, the weird kid who didn't really fit in with the rest of the group and my question for the board that I never asked out loud was "Can you help me be more popular?" "Yes". I will NEVER purchase or play or be in the same building with another ouija board if I can help it.
Anyone else have ouija board experiences? Or is it just me????
It ain't just you. Best to not screw with things like that.Harmless? Maybe, but if not, who is the game peice then?
Had a similar experience when I was a kid and won't go near them again.
Best not to knock on doors when you don't know what is behind them.
Over Thanksgiving just got some similar stories from one of the college kids staying with us over break. She ended up in a bad wiccan crowd for years as a result and battled the wrong kind of demons (the real ones) until she got her head & heart straight.
One long winter night in rural Ohio we played that evil game in our basement with me, my mom (we both already saw and heard weird shit that nobody else did all the time.) and my two sisters. Dad was at his easel following his paintbrush. I can't remember the details of that night, being 50 years ago, but I know we never opened that board again.
They have always creeped me out. Let sleeping dogs lay.
Nope. Not a game. Hit that thing with 3 gallons of Holy Water or until the ink bleeds off the board. And then salt the earth with Blessed Salt. Just because.
In Nomine Patre et Filios et Spiritu Sanctus, Amen.
agree with all the above
Ouija board = Michael J. Fox attempting to light a cig while sitting atop a leaky propane tank. A bad idea.
There's a reason that board gives you the creeps - The Lord is telling you to "stay away."
PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.
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