Thursday, August 1, 2013

Who's roll is it?

Absolutely one of my favorite films, and I'd play the game in a heartbeat. Favorite character? The rhino in the stampede that always brings up the rear, snorting. Reminds me of how I run.


jesse in dc said...

Do ya think it might be related to the fire stomping Rhino in "The gods must be crazy"? That also is funny as hell.. Too bad the game does not really exist. I can think of a few folks I might send it to. They aren't smart enough to ever get it figured out...Must be my mean streak sneaking out there.

Angel eyes said...

Just another day in Oakland, CA.

catfish said...

NOW I know who that rhino reminds me of thanks! LMAO

RabidAlien said...

Heh...I always wondered what the insurance adjuster must've thought the next day, when faced with several hundred claims for "elephant damage" and "rhino goring" to their cars.

Anonymous said...

The Munchkin LOVES this movie--Ray