Wednesday, May 21, 2014

III to III: Another Patriot's POV

I know Israel Barkley as well as one can without meeting face to face. I admire and respect him and his wife. He's one of the Patriots I would trust with my Cute Chicks' lives on the line. He's also a very straight-talker.

I can never speak this plainly, for fear of hurting or offending, that's why I love guys like Israel and Ken Lane and Sam Kerodin. They don't play games, and they don't sugarcoat. They'll tell you the truth, painful though it may be, and back it up with action.

Go read his thoughts on III to III and helping Sandman HERE.

1 comment:

The Steel Ibeam said...

I am sure that I can speak for Sandman on this by saying thank you Leslie for the link. It is much appreciated.
In Liberty,