Back in those days, I had a girlfriend demonstrate the proper utilization of this device. Between the jiggling and contemplation of what else she could do with that motion, I became distracted and failed to understand the point.
I understand they were rapidly withdrawn from the market due to a propensity to shatter without warning.
I remember those....they never trusted me with any of em....
vaquero viejo
They're in storage somewhere, but I still have mine too!
I was told they were invented by a dentist. Monika Lewinski was a product tester.
They really did clack!
"Clacker balls"
Her kids, go outside and hurt yourselves a bit.
Back in those days, I had a girlfriend demonstrate the proper utilization of this device. Between the jiggling and contemplation of what else she could do with that motion, I became distracted and failed to understand the point.
I understand they were rapidly withdrawn from the market due to a propensity to shatter without warning.
Damn do-gooders...
N_gger Knockers
I am old enough to remember them damn things too. I could get them going fast enough to beat the shit out of my knuckles.
I remember those in elementary school, those mother's would put an hurt on you as you learned how to work them.
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