Monday, May 5, 2014

I'm an old-fashioned girl

I'm sorry, while I know there are a lot of things I can do as well or better than a lot of men (which may be a commentary on the sad state of manhood more than my total awesomeness), there is still a very real distinction in my mind between men and women. We are not interchangeable. We are not the same. And in relating to the opposite sex, one must act and present oneself in a manner compatible with the type of person one is seeking. In other words, if you want a real man, treat him like a real man and act like a real woman. If you want a pussy poser, act like, well Moochelle. Following are 13 tried and true tips from 1938. Just as valid today as they were back then.


Gary7 said...

My fave..."if you need a brassiere, wear one." I guess undergarment protocol was a little sketchy in 1938. Then again, if you didn't need a brassiere you probably didn't get a lot of dates in 1938.

wirecutter said...

Hey, you oughta see me attempting to do handyman stuff. Miss Lisa outclasses me there, no lie.

Angel eyes said...

Don't fuck with my mirror! I really don't care about what's behind me, I just want to see how cool I look getting there.

Volfram said...

Several of those(especially early) were legitimately good advice.

Several of them were stupid.

I really wish wearing make-up would go out of style. These days all I see is a bunch of painted stucco masks.