Tuesday, July 15, 2014

III to III for Xeno

We interrupt this blogger's ongoing mental meltdown to request some assistance for a fellow Patriot. It's not always about money, sometimes we really do need a helping hand. Xeno and his lovely wife, Mrs. Xeno aka Rose, are moving Thursday. They have a truck and trailer, what they need is some strong backs and helping hands. Rumor has it, in addition to this lovely couple's gratitude, those who show up to help will also be fed barbeque. I have not had the pleasure of tasting Xeno's cuisine, but we have swapped recipes and I guarantee you won't be disappointed. If there's anyone in his AO, Oklahoma area, I forget in my drug-addled state where, please go over and see what you can do. This is building tribe, community, and it's what will hold us together when SHTF.

Heres's his link, and unless you're a gynecologist, the pics might be a little NSFW.


Thanks and hugs,


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