Sunday, July 27, 2014

Straight up, yo!


Anonymous said...


Steve S. said...

My kind of park - except that it's in Chicago.

Adam Selene said...

First. I started with the gun safety videos with my kids when they they were 7 and I took them to the range to shoot as soon as I was sure that they knew the rules and would follow them.

Second. Pictures like this make us look like irresponsible clowns. The morons who take and post these picture play into the anti-gunners hands.

God save us from the stupid.

hiswiserangel said...

First, I'm glad you're a responsibly armed parent and have taught your kids to respect guns and handle them properly.

Second, the point of the meme was that Chicago, bastion of Liberal Gun Control, is so dangerous that a small child has to be heavily armed to go to the park.

I hate having to explain these things, takes all the fun out of it.

Critter said...

Johnny Carson would understand.

Leigh said...

While I understand the premise; I dock him 60 points for poor trigger discipline
And another 5 for unsecured mags - you don't want to lose your P-Mags while you're on the swings!

Whitehall, NY

JeremyR said...

Ever since seeing this I have had the tune, Saturday in the park I think it was the 4th of July. Might have something to do with their quiet holiday festivities.