Friday, January 30, 2015

The Redhead Drinking Game

Something I've noticed the last few weeks is a plethora of gingers on tv shows and commercials. I swear, in one prime time hour last night, two shows and 12 commercials, only one commercial was lacking a redhead. It seems commercials are more prone to prominently display redheads, and shows will have at least one or two ginger extras for "color".

So the game is this, drink for every redhead you see on screen. One drink for background gingers, and two for primary gingers. And if you see a show or commercial without one? Write down the name of the show or product and send them to me. I'll handle it.


BWBandy said...

I don't need a reason to drink and some of us just like seeing redheads. Personally there should be more redheads on, this is a seriously under-represented minority.

Cederq said...

Oh Yeah, I agree with BWBandy, more redheads! More redheads!

Angel eyes said...

You are to blame...ahhh, make that THANK for this new trend.

K said...

2% of the world population are redheads, and I remember a recent news/media story that 12% of all commercials and script TV shows have at least one redhead. And when you see 2 gingers in a single commercial - you *know* they are working you...

taminator013 said...

I think they are descended from demons.

rickn8or said...

Cederq, this enough for you?

Dink Newcomb said...

I have heard recently that the scientists working on prehistoric DNA of both human ancestors and Neanderthals have found results that suggest the gene for red hair entered our gene poll from cross-breeding with Neanderthals.
How is that for being unique, even if it does not pan out in the long run! Neanderthal remains are not very common.

Skip said...

I hate cats.