Thursday, January 3, 2013

3 Minutes to read 154 pages

Honest to God, our country is broken, the government no longer works FOR us, because it's not allowed to work. At all. Senators were given three minutes to read the 154 page Fiscal Cliff Bill.

That's 51.13 words a minute. I'm an avid reader and can get through most novels in a couple of days. But the way this crap is written, it's incomprehensible if studied. It's pure bullshit if read in 3 minutes.

Now, I'm not upset. See, I'd have to have been living under the delusion that the government isn't broken, that it's just a little messed up. But I don't have those fantasies. I'm pretty clear on the state our country is in, and just can't seem to summon up any more angst and outrage. It is what it is. The bare majority chose our path, it's now up to the rest of us to decide how to write the rest of our story. Things are going to continue to happen,  but ultimately they're meaningless. Keep a clear head, keep your focus, keep your resolve.

Read Story HERE or go make a hot-fudge sundae. With extra whipped cream. Priorities.


orbitup said...

We need to start over.

Grog said...

I had spaghetti for dinner, thanks anyway. ;)

crankyjohn said...

They have to pass it to know whats in it, is the new norm.