Friday, March 8, 2013

Or not...

The Blaze reports which Repugs voted for Brennan yesterday. Their headline had something to do with being shocked. Really?! Shocked? I don't think so. Most of them were dining with the enemy while Sen. Paul filibustered about Obama's drone lust. Two of them, McCain and  Ladyboy Graham tried to take him to the woodshed for his efforts. And of course, Rubio, who I believe values his brilliant political future more than the citizens and the Constitution, fell in line and voted yes. Some days, you just want to flush DC, sanitize it, and start over fresh.


crankyjohn said...

Ok, you wanted to see the real me, here you go.

hiswiserangel said...

Why, cranky, you're so, um, hairy?

Anonymous said...

"Some days, you just want to flush DC, sanitize it, and start over fresh."

Some days? No, no, no, she says as she loads her grenade launcher...
Miss V

Spud said...

I have seen the Enemy and they are shown daily on C-span...