Saturday, January 5, 2013

Wirecutter Reincarnated

I, personally, don't believe in reincarnation. But I swear if it ever happens to Wirecutter, this is what we'll see...

And no, I don't know who the hell Randal is; but my graphic skills do not extend to changing shit I find online. Just substitute "Miss Lisa" or any of us for "Randal".

Okay, so according to Craig M. (major thanks) Randall is the "gay narrator who is credited for making the honey-badger famous". He sent this link and it's freaking hilarious. I so want to hire this dude to narrate a biography of Wirecutter. Just listen to his voice and then superimpose it over the exploits we've read about at Knuckledraggin. I want to hear him read the gassing the protestor story in the worst imaginable way.


Craig M. said...

Randal is the gay narrator who is credited with making the honey-badger famous.

hiswiserangel said...

Ah, thanks, Craig. :-)
I'd love to know how he'd publicize wirecutter...

wirecutter said...

Ah, like the meek and mild soul that I am - just minding my own business, avoiding attention and hoping that nobody notices me as I furtively slip through life. Kind of like a wasp, you know?

hiswiserangel said...

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant?!

wirecutter said...

Naw, wasp, not WASP - an insect that flies around hoping nobody bothers it and hiding in dark places trying to avoid trouble.
You know, like the ones we kept as pets when we were kids?

hiswiserangel said...

I had a pet frog. He ate wasps.
Still not buying it. You're a honey badger and you know it.