Friday, March 1, 2013

This could get interesting...


Grand said...

What WOULDN'T I think you did?

hiswiserangel said...

That made me smile. And yet, I have this feeling that you must die. ;-) Unless you're handcuffed to the bench next to me.

crankyjohn said...

She finally shot the old man.

hiswiserangel said...

shhhhh..... ;-)

Grand said...

The surprise will be on you if you use your one phone call to call me. My phone will ring from the next cell over and probably wake me up.

hiswiserangel said...

"What are you wearing....~heavy breathing~"

timbo said...

Attacked a government official, in regards to your recent interaction over child guardianship.

hiswiserangel said...

Oooo, good one, timbo. And probably very likely. I should start a bail fund like wirecutter's.

Anonymous said...

Does it involve a live chicken, peach preseves, and a weed-eater?

Just remember: Friends help you move; real friends help you move...bodies.

hiswiserangel said...

Heh, ~eyebrow wiggle~. I've got a store room full of peach preserves...

Unknown said...

Whatever you did, it was justified. Hope I get on the jury. If they valued their lives, they'd have you in restraints for the trial. I don't wanna miss that. :-)

Anonymous said...

Got lime?


hiswiserangel said...

Lime? Lime preserves? Actually, that sounds yummy. Oh, wait, "lime"... heh.

Oh hell yeah, it was justified. And they'd probably wheel me in like Hanibal Lector.

Carl said...

Unlicensed killing of gophers on a fairway

hiswiserangel said...

In the immortal words of Jean Paul Sartre, 'Au revoir, gopher'.

crankyjohn said...

If it don't fit, you must acquit.

Gopher said...


hiswiserangel said...

Oh, hell, cranky...

hiswiserangel said...

Carl, you wanna take this one?

crankyjohn said...

I plead insanity your honor, I was CRAZY about the girl!

Old Richard said...

probly bitch slapped some smart mouthed skinny broad at Wal-Mart

hiswiserangel said...

....who started trying to hand my PETA fliers while bitching about the pig products in my cart...

crankyjohn said...

Don't get me going on Walmart.

Anonymous said...

Carnal knowledge of ...
you fill in the blank.


Devil Tongue said...

Since you asked, allow me to take a stab at this one.

You are calling friends for bail money because you were busted for;

Being nekkid in public in a blizzard in the Great White North of Texas?

Does that about sum it up???

hiswiserangel said...

Nekkid maybe, but in a blizzard? Are you nuts?

Devil Tongue said...

Hey, you were the one whining about the amount of snow you had to forge to recoup your supplies from the shed just a few days ago or is demintia (Spelling?, who cares)setting in already?

You know, there are some of us who enjoy "High Beams" while on the highway!

hiswiserangel said...

Yeah, but I didn't do it nekkid. I was wearing 3 pair of socks, thermal underwear, jeans, sweater, coat, snow boots, hat, gloves....

JeremyR said...

So which of us are you planning to reach through the internet and throttle?

Slides chair back from monitor...

hiswiserangel said...

I prefer to do my throttling in person. If I'm smiling when I knock on your door...

rpm2day said...

I would feel sorry for the arresting officers ears,(plural and possesive hope I got it correct)!

JeremyR said...

Note to self, if upon checking the peep hole there is a smiling woman, get one of the roomies to open the door while fleeing out the back.

hiswiserangel said...

rpm, plural possessive is officers'. Let me consider your punishment.

Awwww, Jeremy, that's so cute! You think I won't bring backup...

rpm2day said...

Schooled by the best, I bow M'lady.

hiswiserangel said...

Oh get up you big goof. It took me 15 minutes to google it. ;-)

rpm2day said...

Can't even let a guy grovel before greatness, eh?
It's full contact now, girlfriend.

hiswiserangel said...

Groveling makes me blush. Full contact? Oh my, ~fanning furiously~

Spud said...

Got busted for rigging the ballot box in favor of BHO...

Mr. Miracle said...

Oh, the possibilities are endless. I would imagine there would be large amounts of alcohol involved, and it could either be a very good story with lots of guns/babes/fun, or a very bad story with guns/babes/gratuitous violence. I bet you and the Mrs. would have a lot in common! Especially the nekkid parts in Texas. She is a Yellow Rose for sure.

hiswiserangel said...

Spud, I take it that was tongue in cheek. If it wasn't, you and I need to sit down and have a serious talk.

Mr Miracle, guns/babes/and isn't gratuitous violence fun?

Mr. Miracle said...

Ah, gratuitous violance is fun, but a different kind of fun than involving babes like yourself. Although a little light

Spud said...

Figured that'd get a rise lol
You working in favor of BHO has about as much chance, as I do of eating all the beans I've got stored up in one sitting.

hiswiserangel said...

Okay, Spud, you may live. ;-)