Friday, April 26, 2013

Or so I've heard

I mean, I've never experienced this personally.


Sarthurk said...

Been there.

Likely to experience it again.


lineman said...

I was wrong once' when I thought I was wrong but turned out I was right...:-)

catfish said...

"I mean, I've never experienced this personally."
Except when you argue with yourself that is!

hiswiserangel said...

Never happens catfish, most of my personalities are in total agreement and the others know to stfu.

James Butler said...

Humility is perhaps one of the most learning epicenter in human heart and spirit... without realization of ones own fallacy how can one ever be/get better. Specially in abstract thoughts of heart and spirit... Love, God, Family, Freedom, prosperity...
Even worst is self humility. the moment you realize you were wrong al along.. Most libertarians and conservatives have been there before and walked that very fine line to get there.... Humility... and it require love of life and family...
Sadly Many fatherless homes of innercity plantations don't have a clue about such God's love... humility...

Forgive me oh Lord, its late Friday night...