Sunday, October 19, 2014

Why people in the (FBA, tm wirecutter) are so confused

From Balloon:

Chief Heather Fong (left), is the first SFPD female,
lesbian chief of police.

Theresa Sparks (center), a former male, is president
of the San Francisco Police Commission, CEO of a
multi-million dollar sex toy retailer, and a transgender

Sgt. Stephan Thorne (right), a former female, is the first
transgender male SFPD police officer.

Their Representative in Congress is Nancy Pelosi.



Anonymous said...

They're clearly racists, there's no black people in the crowd.

drjim said...

The whole world would be a better place if The Big One hit, and SF slid off into the Pacific!

wirecutter said...

I'd have to move then, Jim. I don't want to live on beachfront property. Too many damned liberals and tourists.

drjim said...

Aw, shit!

I didn't think about the impact it would have an decent people.

Sorry about that!

Volfram said...

Does the one in the middle look like Walter White wearing a ton of make-up to anyone else?

wirecutter said...

Heh. You said I was decent.

Anonymous said...

Don't look in Frisco's direction lest you be turned into a pillar of salt.
Old Bill in Fla.